Monday, September 3, 2012

Make Your Hair Look So Cute with MessyBun Style

Im back with the new posting. This about how to make your hair look so cute with messy bun.
This messy bun is popular hairstyle in korea. You can see from almost of the girl look using this hairstyle. I love this hairstyle. Because its very easy and you can look so cute.
Okay I take this picture as an example so you can follow the instruction ^^~

How is that? So simple,right? And look so cute
For the example of the cute for messy bun, here they are (enakei version)

There are messy bun hair (maybe with not-really-simple way) ㅋㅋㅋ

And this the cute one ><


Its simple and cute.. so you wanna try? I used this hairstyle in the school (-)
Messy Bun Hairstyle 뿌잉 뿌잉~


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